Friday, March 7, 2008

Cultural differences

So, we've been trying to have a meeting just to start the process of working out what we're going to do and when. It's a testimony to the difference in approach of two different cultures that we have yet to actually meet, yet also a testimony to the possibilities of adaptability for all involved that I'm not jumping out of my skull at people just yet, and we have a tentative schedule in hand. Woo-hoo!

Since I come from more of a Northern European mindset (my dad insists that you're late if you're not there a half hour ahead of time), navigating the nuances of an event-oriented culture and not losing it has been ... interesting. I like to have information in hand so I can make decisions and improvise based on what I know, but my experience with Haiti has been of just going with whatever presents itself at the moment. It's really forced me to value the process (and the people involved) rather than just getting there, and to let go of what I think is needed. It's also given me great stories that will someday end up in a book (like how we crossed the border from the Dominican Republic into Haiti). Life's really more interesting this way, even if it causes heart palpatations!

Off to try and schedule that meeting...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

It'll be...just like starting over

No apologies for abruptly dropping off the face of the earth yet again...only moving forward.

I met with a few people in our church who are interested in what I call "full-bodied" missions - serving a community from an equal footing perspective, and meeting all kinds of needs, not just spiritual- and it looks like we're back on for going to Haiti. One of the men in our church is Haitian, and his father is pastor of a growing community somewhere near Port-au-Prince. It looks like a group of us will be going together to participate in training and other activities. Don't know too much more than that, but it's good to have more people on board. It doesn't look like we're going to go back to Pardieu, though.

We'll meet up again on the 16th to start fleshing out what this looks like.