Friday, August 22, 2008

Now we return to our regularly scheduled programming

As a group, the Haiti team decided to take a week or two off, since life was getting busy toward the end of summer. In the interim, I've managed to connect with two NGOs and finagled dates and an offer of chauffering help around Port-au-Prince. Wow!

We've raised about 1/10th of our needed funds. Wow!

Most of the consultants where I work are back now from various vacations, so I'm faced with the normal Monday deluge, which has left me feeling cranky. Boo!

Summer's almost over; in fact, up here in New England, the temperatures will be somewhere around the early autumn normal temps. Boo!

Wanted to write about something witty and urbane, but inspiration has been very fleeting over the past few weeks. Boo!

I definitely need to boost up the Wow factor...

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